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Give Your Irritable Skin a Break With Super-Cool Blue Tansy

Say om, say amen, say blue tansy
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Few products created a kind of paradoxical hush-hush craze resulting in adoration, multiple sold-outs, and waiting lists such as Herbivore's Lapis did when it hit the market (or the influencers); soon after, more brands were emerging with blue tansy for its star ingredient, but certainly not in mass-produced, drugstore numbers — by both count and price. This kept blue tansy beauty products more in the realm of splurge, thus adding to their desirability and devotion. Board-certified dermatologist and medical director and owner of GlamDerm, Dr. Liam Mack, MD FAAD, discusses our burning questions on blue tansy flower oil and its uses in skincare.

We also asked about formulas that best deliver that blue tansy goodness, about who will benefit from giving it a try, and about tangible and visible results expectancy. We've got all that, and an excellent discovery-set-type roster of blue tansy skincare products — including doctor's own product recommendations: "Two of my favorite products that contain blue tansy are by Provence Beauty. Their Deep Bleu Cloud Night Moisturizer and the Alpha-Bet Elixir Super Power Facial Oil lock in moisture and combat signs of premature aging."

Oh, and by the way — because you must be curious — that blue hue comes from its naturally contained chemical component known as chamazulene.

Image via Provence Beauty

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The Value of Blue Tansy in a Skincare Routine
Introducing us to blue tansy, Dr. Mack explains its origins and effects: "Blue tansy (Tanacetum annuum) is derived from a plant (primarily) cultivated in Morocco. It is an essential oil that has calming properties when used in the setting of aromatherapy and when applied topically. Blue tansy has become a very popular skincare ingredient because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties (containing camphor) that reduce inflammation, repair, protect against damage, and minimize swelling. When incorporated into emollients it also softens texture and promotes healing from burns and other thermal injury. Moreover, it possesses anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and bug-repellant properties."

Image via Sergio Amiti/Getty

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Who Benefits the Most?
Essential oils can be volatile, but this one plays nicely with others, as Dr. Mack points out: "Blue tansy pairs well with many other active skincare ingredients. Because of its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, it works well for many skin types including those that are easily irritated or who suffer from inflammatory conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne-prone skin. Because it also improves texture, it works well in emollients targeting dryer or more mature skin types."

Image via FreshSplash/Getty

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The Formulas that Get You the Money
You will find blue tansy in cleansers, moisturizers, oils, masks, and even body care, and the better the quality of the product, the sooner you will get to experience the difference brought on by the blue tansy product buffet. However, for Dr. Mack, one formulation stands out when it comes to reaping the most out of blue tansy: "In general, serums are absorbed more readily than creams and lotions. Serums possess a higher concentration of active ingredients and more readily deliver actives to the deeper layers of the skin."


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Tangible Results
"With the introduction of any new skincare ingredient, expect to see results in 6 to 8 weeks. I would like to see more formal clinical studies on blue tansy and its clinical endpoints. However, given all of its properties mentioned above, clinically it should result in less erythema, irritation, and dryness. Overall, the skin should look calmer and more hydrated."

Image via kokouu/Getty

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